Friday, January 31, 2014

My Crafty Valentine!

Valentine's Day around our home is homemade, easy, fun goodness! Who doesn't love a homemade card from your child?! I would take handmade over store bought ANY day! My little sweetie has been making homemade gifts for her Grandparents every year since she was born. They treasure them, and it's fun to pull them out every year and see the different crafts!
We have  an event free weekend, so I think a little crafting is how we will spend our Saturday! I found some cute stuff on Pinterest, and am sharing some of my faves!

I love the little Hershey kiss mice! SO simple and cheap!

I LOVE this idea for the Grandparents! Hershey kiss card, so fun and different!
Check out City Bee Studio, she gives a whole tutorial!

Audrie and I L-O-V-E owls!!!! This would be super cute if you have more than one little one and let them sign their name beside their "owl"! 
Check out more HERE.

This is what Audrie made last year for her YaYa and PawPaw!
They love it so much, they had it framed and hung it on the wall!
See, it doesn't have to be expensive to be cherished!

Happy Friday!


Wednesday, January 29, 2014

New Year.

   Well, I'm pretty sure that I'm a little behind in posting about the new year! HA.....
Such is life. One of my goals for this year is to be more present, and document more things that go on in our life.  
I had a blog many moons ago, and just quit blogging because I felt like I didn't have anything to say.  You see, I was doing it for the wrong reasons! I am now blogging for ME, my FAMILY, and our memories.  

  As I have gotten older (and subsequently my daughter has too! :( *tear*) I realize that time passes way too quickly.  And one day, sooner that I want to think about I'm sure, I won't remember all these "little" things!
So, I'm seizing the moment.  And enjoying being in this moment, in this season of life, and thanking God for all of the blessings He has give me.

So, new year, new goals.  I am not saying resolutions, because that is like saying my New Year's resolution is to.....
That seems so easy to break (I've had many before that I just plain didn't follow through with!).  Goals are things you strive for, and I always want to strive to be better.  A better Mother, wife, friend, daughter, etc....
Here's to goals, and the focus we need to meet them!!
